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How to Create a Budget You’ll Stick To

Financial To Do List

Kareena, a young 30 something woman recently joined as the head designer in a fashion designing company. Even after getting a large pay hike, she still was frequently worried about not being able to save much from her salary at the end of the month.  Well, in order to save enough by the end of How to Create a Budget You’ll Stick To

What Are The Red Flags In A Relationship

Financial problems

Relationships are not just about love, care, and affection but also about communication, understanding, and encouragement.  While, along with personal compatibility, financial compatibility is also very essential to the overall success and longevity of your relationship. So, how can you find out whether your partner is financially compatible? There are a few financial red flags What Are The Red Flags In A Relationship

Tax Saving Bonds vs Fixed Deposit: Which Investment Is Right for You

Tax Saving Bonds vs Fixed Deposit

Are you torn between investing in tax-saving bonds or a fixed deposit? Making the right financial decision starts here. In this comprehensive guide, we unravel the age-old debate of bonds vs. fixed deposits. We’ll help you understand the key differences, risk factors, potential returns, and which option aligns best with your financial objectives. Let’s dive Tax Saving Bonds vs Fixed Deposit: Which Investment Is Right for You

Calculating Life Insurance: Methods and Strategies | Lxme

Calculating Life Insurance

How many of you have tried calculating life insurance?? If you have, then is it covering you adequately?? Such types of questions were troubling Reshma who wanted to buy life insurance for herself but was unable to understand how much insurance she should buy. So, she approached one of her friends Divya. Reshma: Hey, Divya! Calculating Life Insurance: Methods and Strategies | Lxme

Should You Use A Personal Loan For Home Renovations?

Should One Use Personal Loan For Home Renovations?

If a leaking roof, interior remodeling and a dire need of funds to fix these problems are giving you sleepless nights, it might be time for you to consider taking a Personal Loan to take care of your home renovation. Anaya Sharma, a 35-year-old chef, bought a house for herself in Mumbai 7 years ago. Should You Use A Personal Loan For Home Renovations?

All You Need to Know About RBI’s Digital Rupee (e-Rupee) – Lxme

rbi e rupee

Discover the groundbreaking RBI e-rupee, a digital currency initiative by the Reserve Bank of India, as we delve into all the essential details about this innovative financial development. Explore the ins and outs of the RBI e-rupee and its potential impact on the Indian economy in this informative Lxme blog. Are you ready to digitize?  All You Need to Know About RBI’s Digital Rupee (e-Rupee) – Lxme

Save for What Makes You Feel Good in 2023

A Fun Fund

You probably know the drill of saving money for your financial needs such as rents, bills, retirement, child’s education, goals etc. But what about saving money just for your splurges? Think about all the spa days, dinners and drinks with friends and family, going to the movies, shopping sprees and other fun things you can Save for What Makes You Feel Good in 2023

Where and with whom should I talk about Money?

With Whom Should I Talk About Money?

“I have had enough! Where and with whom should I talk about Money?” said many a ladies! We women often shy away from talking about money and managing money, even when we are earning our own money! One of the reasons could be that we don’t feel fully in control of our money and future Where and with whom should I talk about Money?

Money Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

Money Mistakes To Avoid

Five money mistakes to avoid for the New Year: Setting unrealistic goals, not planning for retirement, not building an emergency fund, spending frivolously and not budgeting and avoiding falling in a debt trap.

Coping with Financial Stress: Do’s & Don’ts

Coping with Financial Stress

Embark on a journey of financial resilience with Lxme’s illuminating blog on coping with financial stress. In a world where financial challenges can be overwhelming, this insightful guide unveils practical dos and don’ts to empower you in regaining control over your financial well-being. Let’s explore actionable strategies to alleviate stress and pave the way to Coping with Financial Stress: Do’s & Don’ts