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DYK it takes 1,400 hours on an average to select the best-suited Mutual Fund plan? Our team of experts have done just that with each and every LXME portfolio so you can simply focus on growing your money!

Why Choose LXME Portfolios?

1. Well-researched

2. Balanced to beat inflation

3. Diversified to ensure you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket

4. Curated to allow minimum investments as per your goals!

5. Competitive target returns

6. And a hassle-free investment process

are some of the benefits of investing with LXME.

Now all you have to simply do is invest and sit back and we’ll take care of the rest!

Best Mutual Fund Plan - LXME
Best Mutual Fund Plan - LXME
Lxme Best Mutual Fund Plan

FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions

Which mutual fund scheme is best to invest now?

The best mutual fund scheme to invest in depends on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Consider consulting a financial advisor for personalized recommendations.

Which SIP gives highest return in 5 years?

SIP returns can vary based on the mutual fund’s performance and market conditions. Look for SIPs with a consistent track record of delivering good returns over the long term.

Which SIP has highest return?

SIP returns also depend on the specific mutual fund you choose. Research and compare SIPs across various funds to find one with a history of providing higher returns.

Discover LXME’s latest insights and tips on financial empowerment in this captivating Instagram Post. Know More! ⬇⬇

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