Tanya Saksena

Tanya Saksena

Senior Copywriter, LXME

steps to prevent workplace harassment

Harassment at workplace comes as a very big issue. It can be defined as threatening behaviour by anyone at the workplace which can include insults, explicit messages, threats, bogus rumors, and offensive displays among other things. It can affect mental & physical health along with work performance.

Cases of workplace harassment seem to be only on the rise and the risk of women falling prey to this malpractice is comparatively high. This creates a very hostile working environment. As a female working employee, it is very important that you arm yourself with the needed information if the situation ever arises. Here are a few tips and steps on how to prevent harassment in the workplace.

Know Your Rights and the Policy:

This step might sound like a very long and tedious process, but at the end of the day, it will keep you well informed in case of harassment at workplace. It is nothing but an empowering move where you do not have to rely on external forces for basic information about the organization as the resources and documents are easily available and accessible. Plus this gives you confidence backed with a reliable course of action if ever the situation arises and helps with harassment prevention in the workplace

Participate in Training Sessions:

Most organizations believe in bringing change when it comes to the harassment complaint numbers. This has invoked them to introduce sessions and proper training classes for the same. These are free of cost and can train you for situations that are not specifically in your control. It can help clear any doubts regarding the course of action for preventing harassment and give you the right direction for seeking help. As women we have a higher chance to succumb to such improper actions from fellow employees, thus it is important to hold on to as many precautions as possible.

Be a part of a Support Network:

It is immensely important that you be a part of a support group, if there is an occurrence of workplace harassment, you’ll have adequate support. This can be achieved through a support network in the organization, that has people advising the right way to deal with a situation and finding a solution as soon as possible. 

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

: It is very important to know your surroundings and keep a safe approach for the same. Knowing the people you work with and having a professional relationship is of utmost importance. Having attention to detail and understanding the body language of most will help in reading the type of people you have to interact with and avoid awkward situations.

Document everything:

If you have reached this stage it is already too late for any prevention methods to be employed. The only option that remains is to document everything. Remembering exactly what happened during the harassment attempt and how it played out. Documenting it would keep a reference for what played out and can be an excellent form of evidence for the investigation that will follow the incident.

Report the incident:

When the incident occurs it is human tendency to be in silence and feel violated. Most people in this stage are afraid to take a step and if the perpetrator is a superior they even are afraid to lose their job. But it is necessary to get the right help from different sources and move ahead to take the adequate steps needed for the investigation. 

Stay informed and involved:

Staying informed about your organization is a good habit to nurture in any situation. But when it comes to how to prevent harassment in the workplace, you need to be extra careful as it could be very helpful to know if this has happened in the past and learn how to go ahead with the course of action. It helps you to know the new changes in policy that the company adopts from time to time and know the correct way to react.

LXME hopes that you never face any harassment at workplace, and if you do, your rights are protected. These incidents can happen at any time to anyone, but if you are financially independent, you have the power to say no without having to tolerate any inappropriate behaviour. You can speak with our money experts and start investing with LXME, an investment platform for women.


What is workplace harassment?

The dictionary defines harassment as repeated, threatening behavior. Work performance and health can suffer. Harassment includes insults, explicit messages, threats, bogus rumors, and offensive displays.

What are the different types of workplace harassment?

Sexual harassment is when someone pushes or acts inappropriately.
Derogatory remarks about a person are verbal harassment.
Physical harassment is unwanted touching.
Visual harassment displays disturbing images.
Psychological harassment: Rumors and other forms of harassment can harm mental health.
Cyber harassment is receiving threatening or improper digital messages.

What steps can employers take to prevent workplace harassment?

Collaboration and communication may foster a respectful, open workplace where people can speak up. New concerns and solutions arise from employee surveys. Punishing harassment indicates management cares. Both legal and therapeutic protection are available. Additional strategies include safe observer intervention and policy evaluation and change work. A respectful, safe, and harassment-free workplace is promoted by this policy.

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