Tanya Saksena

Tanya Saksena

Senior Copywriter, LXME

Mental Health Tips for a Balanced Life

Feeling like your mind is doing more somersaults? Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this mental gymnastics! From juggling work and family to dealing with nosy aunties and worrying about money, we often find ourselves on a rollercoaster of emotions. But fear not! Let’s learn how to maintain mental health without breaking the bank or your spirit. Here are some mental health tips that’ll help you out during these times:

1. The “Aunty-Proof” Meditation:

Learn to meditate, even if it’s just for five minutes a day. Imagine a protective bubble around you that deflects all unsolicited advice about your marriage, career, or waistline. It’s a great way to improve mental health and your aunty-tolerance levels!

2. The “Budget Bliss” Plan:

Create a budget that includes a “treat yourself” fund. Knowing you’ve planned for both necessities and little luxuries can significantly reduce financial stress. It’s a mental health tip that’s kinder to your wallet and your worries! You can use LXME’s Budget Planner to track your expenses and plan your spends.

3. The “Bollywood Dance Therapy”:

Put on your favorite filmy tunes and dance like nobody’s watching (because they’re probably not). It’s free exercise, stress relief, and a chance to channel your inner Katrina Kaif! How to improve mental health? One thumka at a time!

4. The “Chai and Chat” Ritual:

Schedule regular chai dates with friends. Venting over a steaming cup of tea is cheaper than therapy and sometimes just as effective. It’s a mental health tip for women that combines the power of caffeine and camaraderie!

5. The “Emergency Fund” Cushion:

Start building an emergency fund, even if it’s just a few rupees a week. Knowing you have a financial safety net can significantly reduce anxiety. It’s how to maintain mental health while adulting like a boss! You can build your emergency fund with Lxme, a financial platform for women. Just join Lxme’s Emergency Fund Savings Challenge and save Rs.5000 in 21 days effortlessly.

6. The “No-Guilt” Nap:

Give yourself permission to take short naps without feeling guilty. Think of it as recharging your batteries. It’s a mental health tip that’s as refreshing as a splash of cold water on a hot summer day!

7. The “Invest in You” Strategy:

Start investing for your future goals, whether it’s a dream vacation or retirement. Financial security is a key component of mental well-being. It’s a mental health tip that pays dividends, literally and figuratively! You can plan your goals with Lxme’s easy-to-use calculators and invest in Lxme’s goal-based mutual fund portfolios curated by experts to achieve them in a time frame set by you.

8. The “Laughter Yoga” Challenge:

Start your day with a good laugh, even if you have to force it at first. Watch a funny video or practice laughter yoga. It’s how to improve mental health while giving your abs a workout!

9. The “Mindful Masala” Cooking:

Turn cooking into a mindfulness practice. Focus on the aromas, textures, and colors of your ingredients. It’s a mental health tip that feeds both body and soul!

10. The “Digital Detox” Hour:

Set aside an hour each day to disconnect from all devices. Use this time to read, garden, or simply daydream. It’s how to maintain mental health in our hyper-connected world.

11. The “Saving for Sanity” Fund:

Create a separate account for mental health expenses, like yoga classes or spa days. It’s an investment in your well-being that your future self will thank you for!  You can do this with Lxme’s Gulluck which is a digital piggy bank.

12. The “Gratitude Gossiping” Circle:

Start a WhatsApp group where you and your friends share only positive things and gratitude. It’s a mental health tip for women that turns gossip into a force for good!

13. The “Wardrobe Wisdom” Trick:

Declutter your closet and donate clothes you no longer need. A tidy space can lead to a tidy mind, and helping others boosts your mood too!

14. The “Financial Fitness” Workout:

Treat managing your finances like a fitness routine. Regular check-ins and small, consistent efforts can lead to big improvements in both your financial and mental health. Learn about personal finance to upskill your life. You can learn with Lxme’s live sessions, learn modules, resources, and 1:1 Sessions with experts.

15. The “Self-Care Sunday” Tradition:

Dedicate Sundays (or any day) to self-care. Whether it’s a home spa session or reading a book, prioritize your mental health. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish; it’s necessary!

Maintaining mental health is like making the perfect biryani – it takes practice, patience, and a pinch of humor. By incorporating these mental health tips, you’re not just learning how to improve mental health; you’re investing in a happier, more balanced you. So, the next time you’re wondering how to maintain mental health amidst the chaos of daily life, give these tips a try. After all, a mentally healthy you is the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones. Remember, you’ve got this, superwoman and you can learn about the importance of women’s mental health with Lxme.


What steps can women take to maintain good mental health?

Women can take several steps to maintain good mental health, encompassing various aspects of life. Starting with daily practices like meditation can help manage stress. Creating a budget that includes a “treat yourself” fund promotes financial wellness and reduces money-related anxiety. Regular physical activity, such as the fun “Bollywood Dance Therapy,” boosts mood and energy. Maintaining social connections through “Chai and Chat” rituals provides emotional support. Building an emergency fund offers financial security, while taking guilt-free short naps helps recharge. Practicing mindfulness in daily activities, disconnecting from devices regularly, expressing gratitude, and prioritizing self-care all contribute to overall mental well-being. These diverse approaches address different facets of mental health, creating a comprehensive strategy for women to stay mentally balanced.

What are 5 ways to stay mentally healthy?

There are several effective ways for women to stay mentally healthy, combining physical, social, and mindful practices. The “Bollywood Dance Therapy” encourages regular physical activity through dance, which boosts mood and reduces stress. The “Chai and Chat Ritual” emphasizes the importance of maintaining social connections, providing emotional support and a sense of belonging. “Mindful Masala Cooking” introduces mindfulness into daily activities, helping to reduce anxiety and increase present-moment awareness. The “Digital Detox Hour” promotes taking breaks from technology, reducing information overload and improving sleep quality. Lastly, the “Gratitude Gossiping Circle” focuses on positivity and gratitude, shifting perspective towards the good things in life. These methods work together to address various aspects of mental health, creating a holistic approach to maintaining emotional and psychological well-being.

How to improve women’s mental health?

Improving women’s mental health involves a multifaceted approach that addresses various life aspects. Encouraging regular self-care through “Self-Care Sunday” traditions helps women prioritize their well-being. Promoting financial wellness with “Budget Bliss” and “Emergency Fund Cushion” reduces money-related stress. Fostering social connections via “Chai and Chat” rituals provides emotional support and combats isolation. Encouraging physical activity through fun methods like “Bollywood Dance Therapy” boosts mood and energy levels. Teaching stress-reduction techniques such as meditation and mindfulness helps manage daily pressures. Promoting work-life balance with “No-Guilt” naps and digital detoxes allows for necessary rest and disconnection. Lastly, encouraging gratitude practices and positive thinking helps shift focus towards the positive aspects of life.

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