Tanya Saksena

Tanya Saksena

Senior Copywriter, Lxme

Effective ways for Women to manage Stress

Do you start your day with no will to get up and get moving? Are stress & anxiety keeping you up all night? Is your hair falling out and your skin falling apart? Are you searching for how to reduce stress and anxiety in your daily life? You’re not alone in this stress tsunami. From juggling work and family to dealing with nosy relatives and managing money?

We are here to help you out with some stress management tips for women that will turn your dread into delight.

The 5 A’s of Stress Management:

Before we jump into our stress management tips, let’s quickly go over the 5 A’s of stress management:

1. Awareness: Recognizing your stress triggers

2. Avoid: Steering clear of unnecessary stressors

3. Alter: Changing situations to reduce stress

4. Adapt: Adjusting your attitude and expectations

5. Accept: Learning to live with what you can’t change

The 3 C’s of Stress:

And don’t forget the 3 C’s of stress:

1. Control: Focus on what you can influence

2. Commitment: Stay engaged in your life and activities

3. Challenge: View difficulties as opportunities for growth

Now, let’s learn how to reduce stress and anxiety:

1. Breathe in positivity and breathe out negativity

You can definitely start practicing yoga to help you connect with your body, mind, and soul. But when you are in a stressful situation, take deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. It’s a simple yet effective way to reduce stress and anxiety instantly!

2. Laugh Your Way to Calmness:

Laughter is a natural stress-buster. Watch a funny video, share jokes with friends, or simply giggle at your cat trying to jump from the cabinet to the top of the fridge. It’s an instant mood booster and one of the best stress management tips. 

3. Budget Bliss:

Let’s talk money, honey! Creating a budget might sound boring it’s a game-changer. Knowing where your rupees are going can reduce financial stress.  Start small, track expenses, and watch your worries shrink along with unnecessary spending. You can use LXME’s Budget Planner to track your expenses and plan your spends very easily.

4. Emergency Fund: Your Financial Cushion:

Think of an emergency fund as a big, comfy pillow for your worries. To build it, start small, even if it’s just putting aside ₹100 a day or a week. Knowing you have a safety net can significantly reduce anxiety about unexpected expenses. You can join LXME’s Emergency Fund Savings Challenge and save Rs.5000 in 21 days very easily.

5. Investing in Peace: Financial Planning:

Investing might sound scary, but it’s a great way to secure your future and reduce long-term stress. You can start small with just Rs. 100 with LXME, a financial platform for women. LXME has goal-based mutual fund portfolios curated by experts to make investing simple for all women. You just need to choose your goals like retirement planning, child education planning, or any long-term or short-term plans, and invest with just a tap to achieve your goals.

6. The Power of No (With a Smile):

Ladies, it’s time to embrace the magic word: NO. You don’t have to attend every get-together or outing. Politely declining can save you time, money, and sanity. Remember, saying no to others sometimes means saying yes to yourself!

7. Dance Like Nobody’s Watching (Because They’re Probably Not):

Put on your favorite beats and shake it off! Dancing is a fantastic stress reliever and a sneaky way to exercise. Plus, it’s free entertainment for your family and friends. Win-win!

8. Spice Up Your Life (Literally):

Ever wondered why Indian food is so comforting? Certain spices like turmeric and cinnamon are natural mood boosters. So, the next time you’re feeling low, whip up a spicy curry. Your taste buds and your mind will thank you!

9. Mindful Masti: The Art of Being Present:

Mindfulness doesn’t have to mean hours of meditation. Try being fully present while doing simple tasks like washing dishes, walking, or sipping chai. It’s like a mini-vacation for your mind, no travel expenses needed!

10. Green Therapy: Plants Are Your New BFFs:

Bring some green into your life! Gardening or even caring for a small potted plant can be incredibly soothing. Plus, if you grow herbs, you’ll save money on groceries as well.

11. The Magic of Decluttering:

How to reduce stress and anxiety? declutter your space. A tidy home leads to a tidy mind. Plus, you might find some long-lost treasures to sell online.

12. DIY Spa Day: Pamper Yourself on a Budget:

Who says stress relief has to be expensive? Create a spa experience at home with simple ingredients from your kitchen. A besan and haldi face pack, coconut oil hair massage, and some soothing music can work wonders. Your skin glows, and your wallet stays happy!

13. Write It Out:

Got an old notebook lying around? Turn it into a stress-busting tool! Writing down your thoughts and worries can be incredibly therapeutic. It’s like having a silent best friend who never argues back or asks to borrow your favorite sari.

14. Phone a Friend: The Power of Connection:

In the age of WhatsApp, we often forget the joy of a good old-fashioned phone call. Catch up with a friend or family member. It’s free therapy and a great way to stay connected.

15. Gratitude: The Free Happiness Booster:

End each day by listing three things you’re grateful for. It could be as simple as a tasty meal or a good TV show. This practice shifts your focus from stress to the positives in your life, and it doesn’t cost a single paisa!

Managing stress is like making the perfect biryani – it takes practice, patience, and a pinch of humor. By incorporating these stress management tips,  you’re not just learning how to reduce stress; you’re investing in a happier, healthier you.

So, the next time you’re wondering how to reduce stress and anxiety, give these tips a try. Mix and match to find what works best for you. After all, a stress-free you is the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones. Now, go conquer the world, one deep breath at a time! With these stress management tips for women, you’ll be well-equipped to handle whatever life throws your way.


What are the 5 A’s of stress management?

The 5 A’s of stress management are:
1. Awareness: Recognize your stress triggers.
2. Avoid: Steer clear of unnecessary stressors when possible.
3. Alter: Change situations to reduce stress.
4. Adapt: Adjust your attitude and expectations.
5. Accept: Learn to live with what you can’t change.
These strategies help you identify, minimize, and cope with stress effectively by giving you a framework to approach stressful situations in your life.

How to handle stress and anxiety?

To handle stress and anxiety:
1. Practice deep breathing and mindfulness.
2. Connect with supportive friends and family.
3. Try relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga.
4. Set realistic goals and prioritize tasks.
5. Learn to say no to unnecessary commitments.
6. Seek professional help if needed.
Remember, it’s about finding what works best for you and making it a part of your daily routine.

What are the 3 C’s of stress?

The 3 C’s of stress are:
1. Control: Focus on what you can influence in your life, rather than worrying about things beyond your control.
2. Commitment: Stay engaged in your life and activities, maintaining a sense of purpose and direction.
3. Challenge: View difficulties as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than as threats.
These principles help you develop resilience and a positive mindset when facing stressful situations.

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