Siddhi Sharma

Associate Money Coach, LXME NISM Certified

Best Corporate Fixed Deposits To Invest

Best Corporate Fixed Deposits To Invest

Traditionally for many women, saving & investing often starts with fixed deposits (FDs), known for their safety, stability, and fixed returns. However, now women are looking for newer options where they can get better returns, and one of them is corporate fixed deposits as they offer higher interest as compared to bank FDs but they Best Corporate Fixed Deposits To Invest

Best Saving Schemes for Women in India

Best Saving Schemes for Women in India

Women need to save and invest more than men do because of things like longer life expectancy, pay gaps between men and women, and taking time off to care for family members. These money-saving tips and different savings schemes for women can help women become financially independent, build wealth, and prepare for emergencies. These make Best Saving Schemes for Women in India

7 Types of Financial Ratios to Assess Your Personal Finance

financial ratios

Anita: Hey Siya, yesterday you were talking about some ratios with your husband, what was that? Siya: Oh yes, I was talking about the financial ratios we should know in order to manage our money Anita: What is it? Can you explain me? Siya: They’re simple calculations that show things like how much you’ve saved, 7 Types of Financial Ratios to Assess Your Personal Finance

Choosing the Best Platform for Personal Loans: A Comprehensive Guide to LXME

Best Platform for Personal loan

We have a number of needs in our everyday lives for which we may require financial help. For women, this can mean anything like setting up a business, renovating a house, etc. So, learning about loans is also as important in order to make an informed decision. So, let’s learn about loans, best loan app Choosing the Best Platform for Personal Loans: A Comprehensive Guide to LXME

Conquer Your Future: Best SIP Plans for 30 Years and Building Financial Freedom with LXME

Sip Plans for 30 Years

At LXME, we empower women to take control of their finances and achieve financial freedom. We understand the unique challenges women face when it comes to money matters, and that’s why we’ve built a safe and supportive investment platform designed exclusively catering to investment for women. But financial freedom doesn’t happen overnight, it requires a Conquer Your Future: Best SIP Plans for 30 Years and Building Financial Freedom with LXME

Secured Loan vs Unsecured Loan: Understand the Difference

Secured Loan vs Unsecured Loan

We have a number of needs in our everyday lives for which we may require financial help. For women, this can mean anything like buying a house or a car, etc. So, learning about loans is also as important in order to make an informed decision. Generally, there’s confusion as to which type of loan Secured Loan vs Unsecured Loan: Understand the Difference

Saving vs. Investment: Which is better?

savings vs investing

When it comes to money women are very disciplined in saving and budgeting. They can manage the expenses even in the tightest budget. They always think about the future like no one else can as they are proactive in all situations, so they always set aside some part of their budget for future or emergencies. Saving vs. Investment: Which is better?

 Mutual Funds vs. Hedge Funds: Unveiling the Right Choice for You

mutual funds vs hedge funds

The financial landscape can be daunting, especially when it comes to investment platforms and options. Two prominent players, mutual funds and hedge funds, often leave many wondering – which one is right for me? Understanding the key differences between these investment vehicles is crucial for making informed choices and navigating your path to financial empowerment.  Mutual Funds vs. Hedge Funds: Unveiling the Right Choice for You

Fixed Deposit vs Savings Account: Choosing the Right Path for Your Financial Goals

Fixed Deposits Vs Savings Account

The journey to financial freedom is paved with smart decisions. As women, we navigate a unique financial landscape, and understanding the tools at our disposal and using the right investment platform is key. Two fundamental options we encounter are savings accounts and fixed deposits investments (FDs). But what’s the difference between a fixed deposit and Fixed Deposit vs Savings Account: Choosing the Right Path for Your Financial Goals

Fixed Deposit vs Gold Investment: Choosing the Right Path for Financial Freedom at LXME

fixed deposit vs gold investment

Empowering yourself with financial knowledge is a crucial step towards achieving financial freedom. At LXME, we understand that women often face unique challenges in the investment world.  When it comes to building your wealth, you may be wondering: fixed deposit vs gold investment, which is the better option? Among other investment choices like mutual funds Fixed Deposit vs Gold Investment: Choosing the Right Path for Financial Freedom at LXME