

how to manage loans

Are you wondering how to manage debt effectively and take control of your financial journey? You’re in the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through 7 essential tips on debt management skills with confidence and achieve your financial goals. Whether you’re dealing with student loans, mortgages, or personal loans, these practical strategies will help you navigate the world of borrowing wisely and help you decide is taking out a loan a good idea. Let’s dive right in and understand more about loans.

Everyone takes a loan at least once in their life to fulfill their dreams or needs.  It might be a car loan, home loan, or just about any other loan that satisfies your financial needs at a particular point in time, like your credit card. 

But is taking out a loan a good idea? If you have watched the movie ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’, you’ll know what happens when you live beyond your means. Lured by high-end fashion, the film’s protagonist – Rebecca – keeps borrowing until she pushes herself to the brink of a financial disaster. Well, the movie may have had a happy ending, as most movies go, but in reality, you may not be as lucky as Rebecca was.

So, if you too are in the habit of borrowing to meet your goals, sit back and think – are you able to repay your debts comfortably?

Here are 7 tips on how to manage your debt diligently:

1. Repay high-interest loans first:

Make a list of your debts according to the interest rates. A Home loan or student loan is likely to have lower interest rates while offering tax benefits. Credit card debts, on the other hand, tend to come with slightly higher rates of interest. It is, therefore, a good idea to pay these before moving on to ‘safer’ ones.

2. Consolidate your loans:

Consolidating loans is a good idea when there are many loans. Paying off many loans through one single loan and repaying that loan will reduce the financial strain. For example, let’s assume you have paid off your home loan. But you have other personal loans, along with high credit card bills. To reduce the burden, look at taking a loan against the property you now own and pay off the high-interest debts.

3. Know your credit score:

Keep a close watch on your credit score while repaying a personal loan. The way you manage your loans will be reflected in your credit score. Sticking to your monthly installment plan or even getting ahead of it will improve your credit score. Falling behind on your payments, on the other hand, will lower your credit score.

4. Create a payment schedule:

When repaying loans, it is a smart debt management skill to set an alert for every payment on your smartphone or computer. Late payments incur late fees, and if you miss multiple payments, your credit score will be affected. Save your payment dates on your smartphone and set an alert to remind you at least three or four days before the payment. In case, you miss the payment, don’t wait till the next due date, pay the outstanding as soon as you remember or as soon as you garner the necessary funds. 

How to Manage Loans wisely

5. Follow a budget:

Budgeting can go a long way toward successfully managing personal loans online. Trying to manage your loan without a budget puts you in a position of vulnerability and confusion—you don’t always know where your money is going or how much of it is going there. If you find yourself afraid to check your bank account, having less money than you know you should, or are unsure of areas where you’re overspending, then creating a budget might be the answer.

6. Request a lower interest rate:

If you’re an old and established customer of the lender and have a good credit score, try to negotiate for a lower interest rate. You might get lucky. You can also transfer your loan to another financial institution that charges a lower interest rate than the current bank.

7. Got a bonus? Make a prepayment:

It is tempting to splurge on a lifestyle purchase when you receive an unexpected bonus or investment return. But if you’re under a pile of debt, it would be more practical to dig your way out of it first. Any windfall should ideally go towards debt repayment. Closing loans faster or paying more than the stipulated Equated Monthly Installments (EMI) will reduce the tenure of the loan and lessen the interest payments.

Also, check out this Home Loan Calculator with Prepayment which will help you understand your loan repayment.

Bottom Line

Loans are serious financial commitments and should be taken up only when you are confident that you can manage them alongside other expenses. Managing a personal loan can be a straightforward and stress-free process once you’ve worked out the kinks involved. Being disciplined with your finances, setting a well-thought-out budget, and getting ahead on your loan whenever you can place you ahead of the curve and make managing your loan as easy as 1-2-3.

Related Article You may Like :- Financial Mistakes to Avoid: Secure Your Future by Avoiding These

FAQs – Common Questions on How to Manage Loans

What is the best way to manage a loan?

– Create a Budget: Start by tracking your income and expenses to develop a realistic budget.
– Prioritize High-Interest Debt: Focus on paying off loans with the highest interest rates first.
– Consider Consolidation: Explore options like debt consolidation to simplify payments.
– Regular Payments: Always make on-time payments to avoid penalties and interest accrual.

How do you manage finances with loans?

– Budget Wisely: Allocate funds for loan payments within your monthly budget.
– Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses.
– Prioritize Payments: Ensure loan payments are a top financial priority.
– Monitor Interest Rates: Keep an eye on interest rates for potential refinancing opportunities.
– Avoid New Debt: Minimize taking on additional debt while repaying loans.

How can I clear my 20 lakh debt?

– Create a Repayment Plan: Calculate affordable monthly payments based on your income.
– Increase Income: Look for opportunities to boost your income, like a side job.
– Cut Expenses: Trim unnecessary expenses to free up money for debt payments.
– Snowball or Avalanche Method: Choose a debt repayment strategy that suits you.
– Seek Professional Advice: Consult financial advisors for personalized guidance.

To know more about How to manage loans you can watch these videos below: ⬇⬇

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