

Money-Making Ideas For Stay-At-Home Parents

Being a stay-at-home mom/dad, your work is technically never done. It’s not an easy job and certainly not lucrative because warm hugs and your child’s cute drawing won’t pay the bills. But thankfully with the advent of technology and possibly the only silver lining of a pandemic, work-from-home jobs are more common than ever.

Here are a few ways to earn some extra bucks from the comfort of your home.

1. Babysitting: 

If you’re a stay-at-home parent, there are higher chances of you liking kids. And what better way to make money than making it through doing things you love? Becoming a babysitter could be a good option as it would not only be a source of extra income but also a great opportunity to teach your kids about socializing. 

2. Tutoring (Online or Offline): 

If you’re the master of something, teach it to someone else. Becoming a tutor is a brilliant way to work remotely and teach subjects or skills you’re passionate about. You can either work online or become a private tutor. In addition to that, you can create and sell your online courses on platforms like Udemy or Coursera too. 

3. Freelance Writing / Designing: 

Channel your inner Shakespeare or Picasso and fill your pockets while you’re at it. There are various ways to make money as a writer. You can write scripts for video creators, you can become a remote copywriter or copyeditor. Similarly, with designing, you can earn by becoming a remote web designer or a graphic designer.

With your writing and designing skills, you can take multiple clients and make a remunerative income. You can get these clients through sites like Naukri, Indeed, Fiver, etc, or from social media platforms and networking. And if you do have an interest in writing and designing but don’t have the skills to monetise it, you can always opt for short online courses. 

4. Monetising your Craft Skills / Becoming a small business owner: 

As the iconic Joker, Heath Ledger once said ‘’If you’re good at something, never do it for free’’. You can acquire a livelihood by monetising your craft skills and becoming a small business owner. You can knit and sell sweaters, hats, and crochet tops or make bracelets out of beads. You can also sell homemade soaps, candles, snacks, pickles, or resin products. You can start from home but scale up your business as your clientele grows.

5. Becoming a Virtual Assistant: 

A virtual assistant does administrative, technical, and sometimes sales or marketing tasks for a business. The good part is that as a Virtual Assistant, you can work virtually anywhere. If you’re good with micromanaging tasks and can keep someone’s calendar and daily schedule, respond to emails, collect information on sales targets before meetings, and even do things like ordering water and snacks for their physical office then becoming a virtual assistant is your thing. 

6. Becoming an Influencer / Blogger: 

You can get that bag by simply blogging about your life or a niche that you’re excited to talk about. Of course, becoming an influencer or a successful blogger won’t happen overnight. You’ll have to start small but eventually, you will make some money and also get some free products while you’re at it. As an influencer or a blogger, you can make money through affiliate marketing. 

7. Choosing Photography / Videography: 

As a photographer or videographer, you don’t necessarily need to go out to shoot. You can become a product photographer/videographer and work from your home. But for this, you’ll have to invest in various equipment and have some space at home where you can shoot. A side benefit of becoming a product photographer is that you get free products too and the pay scale is quite lucrative. 

8. Starting your own cloud kitchen: 

Does your spouse’s or kid’s tiffin always come back empty? Or do you have special requests from people for your home-cooked meals? Then maybe you should try opening your cloud kitchen. It is the most cost-effective solution for small-scale businesses. You can also start your tiffin services or sell dishes that you specialize in. 

All in all, making money from home is a task that is easier than it seems, and you just need a little bit of free time to make the most of these opportunities and earn some money while sitting at home.

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