Tanya Saksena

Tanya Saksena

Senior Copywriter, Lxme

Money saving tips for women

Homemakers are the heart and soul of our households, don’t we all agree? From juggling countless responsibilities day in and day out to managing the household finances and ensuring the families are well-fed and cared for, their roles are nothing short of superhuman. 

But even superheroes need a little help sometimes, especially when it comes to money saving tips for housewives. After all, every rupee saved is a rupee earned,- Let’s embark on a journey to financial freedom with these 10 tips to saving money that’ll have you feeling like a money goddess!

1. Budgeting:

Let’s start with the basics of all easy money saving tips for housewives– budgeting. Creating a monthly budget is like having a financial GPS, guiding you through the maze of expenses and helping you prioritize your spending. With a budget in hand, you’ll be able to track where every rupee goes and make informed decisions about where to cut back or splurge. You can use LXME’s Budget Planner to track your expenses.

2. Meal Planning:

Have you ever found yourself staring into the fridge, wondering what to cook, only to end up ordering in or grabbing something on the go? How many times does it happen every week? Meal planning is an easy money saving tip that not only saves you money but also ensures you’re feeding your family nutritious, home-cooked meals. Plan your meals in advance, make a grocery list, and watch those food expenses shrink.

3. Bulk Buying & Availing Discounts:

When it comes to money saving tips for housewives, buying in bulk is a no-brainer. From rice and lentils to toiletries and cleaning supplies, stocking up on non-perishable items when they’re on sale can save you a pretty penny in the long run. Just be sure to have enough storage space and only buy what you’ll actually use. You can use LXME’s Dream Card to find some exciting offers & discounts.

4. Cook at Home:

Let’s face it, eating out can be a real money eater. But when you cook at home, you’re not just saving money; you’re also in control of the ingredients and portion sizes. So, find your favourite recipes online, follow those inspirational chef influencers, and channel your inner culinary goddess! This is one of the best tips to save money. Your wallet (and possibly your waistline) will thank you.

5. Reuse and Repurpose:

Who says you need to buy new things all the time? Get creative and find new uses for old items instead of tossing them out. From turning old t-shirts into cleaning rags to repurposing glass jars as storage containers & flower vases, the possibilities are endless. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also be doing your part for the environment. Win-win!

6. DIY Household Products:

Why spend a fortune on household cleaners and personal care products when you can make your own for a fraction of the cost? With simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils, you can whip up everything from all-purpose cleaners to body scrubs. 

7. Sell Unused Items:

We’ve all got those items lying around the house that we never use but can’t seem to part with. Well, it’s time to let go and declutter! From clothes and accessories to furniture and electronics, there’s a world of online platforms where you can sell your unused items and make some extra cash. Who knows, you might even discover a hidden talent for entrepreneurship!

8. Invest Wisely:

While money saving tips for housewives are great for the short-term, it’s equally important to think about long-term financial planning. Research investment options like fixed deposits, mutual funds, or SIPs to help your savings grow over time. You can do all of this with LXME, which provides investment for women. You can invest in our goal-based mutual fund portfolios that have been curated by experts. A little bit of planning today can go a long way towards securing your financial future.

9. Limit Impulse Buys:

We’ve all been there – you see something shiny and new, and you just have to have it, even though you don’t really need it. Impulse buys can quickly drain your wallet, so make a shopping list and stick to it. If you really want something that’s not on the list, give yourself a cooling-off period to think it over before making the purchase.

10. Grow Your Own Produce:

If you’ve got a little bit of outdoor space, why not start a small vegetable garden? Not only will you save money on fresh produce, but you’ll also have the satisfaction of enjoying the fruits (or vegetables) of your own labor. Plus, gardening is a great stress reliever and a fun activity to get the whole family involved.

There you have it, ladies – 10 tips to saving money and financial planning for housewives that’ll have you feeling like a financial diva in no time. Remember, it’s all about being mindful of your spending, getting creative, and prioritizing your long-term financial goals. With a little bit of discipline and a whole lot of determination, you’ll be well on your way to achieving financial freedom and living your best life. Start implementing these tips today and watch your savings soar!


What is the best way for housewives to start saving money?

Creating a budget is the best way for housewives to start saving money. Track expenses, identify areas to cut back, and set savings goals. Meal planning, buying in bulk, and cooking at home are also excellent tips to reduce costs and boost savings.

How can housewives manage their finances better?

Housewives can manage their finances better by regularly reviewing their budget, setting short and long-term financial goals, and exploring investment options like fixed deposits or mutual funds. Meal prepping, buying groceries in bulk, and reusing and repurposing household items will help as well.

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